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Blur the Background of a Photograph - Step by step with Screenshots


1. Lens wide open: With wide aperture. for example lower than F4, you can narrow depth of the focus and blur the background of the photo.

大光圈:光圈大,背景越虚。F4以下都算大光圈。如:f3.5 f2.8 f1.8等等。一般用相机镜头的大光圈中心对焦,焦点在主体上2

Canon 6D ISO 200, F3.2, 1/80 Sec. 90MM
2. Longer lens and close to the subject: Narrow the depth of field further by zooming in. To make as shallow a depth of field as possible, use a long/telephoto lens set on maximum zoom. Stand as close to the subject as possible.

可以用长焦距近距离拍摄主题。 不是所有的情况都适合大光圈虚化。如果不能使用大光圈,我们就要使用长焦,尽可能靠近主体。俗话:光圈不够,长焦来凑摄距越近,背景越虚。

Sony A6000 ISO 125, F/6.5 1/350 Sec. 210MM
3. More distance between subject and background. More distance subject to background, more blurred background.

背景尽量远离主题,也会淡化背景. 背景的距离不能离主体太近,否则再怎么虚化也虚化不了多少。

ISO 360, F6.3 1/60 Sec. 210MM
4. Alternatively, you can also employ Photoshop. Simply select the background and use the blur filter.

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