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6th Grade Math Worksheets with Answers

Apply the distributive property to produce an equivalent expression
Combine like terms for each expression
Combine like terms for each expression
Distributive Property
Distributive Property
Evaluating Expression
Find area of each figure by counting shaded square units
Find the angle
Find the area of each circle
Find the area of each figure
Find the circumference of each circle
Find the midpoint for each line segment
Find perimeter for each figure 1
Find perimeter for each figure 2
Find the slope for each graph 1
Find the slope for each graph
Identify the multiplication property used in each question
Population Equation Task
Rewrite the statement using distributive property 1
Rewrite the statement using distributive property 2
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Understanding Unit Rate
Using the Distributive Property
Using Unit Prices
Using Unit Rates with Fractions

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