Divide the Numbers in the Given Ratio 2

Name: ________________________ Score:

Problems Work Space

Divide 2345 in the ratio 3:2.

Answer: ______________________

Divide 3024 in the ratio 4:5.

Answer: ______________________

Divide 7161 in the ratio 3:8.

Answer: ______________________

Divide 3996 in the ratio 1:1.

Answer: ______________________

Divide 5964 in the ratio 5:2.

Answer: ______________________

Divide 3702 in the ratio 2:1.

Answer: ______________________

Ratio Worksheet

Name: ________________________ Score:


Divide 2345 in the ratio 3:2.

Answer: 1407 and 938

Divide 3024 in the ratio 4:5.

Answer: 1344 and 1680

Divide 7161 in the ratio 3:8.

Answer: 1953 and 5208

Divide 3996 in the ratio 1:1.

Answer: 1998 and 1998

Divide 5964 in the ratio 5:2.

Answer: 4260 and 1704

Divide 3702 in the ratio 2:1.

Answer: 2468 and 1234