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 瓦豪(Wachau) - 杜伦施坦修道院 (Duernstein)


历史上,欧洲人曾经十几次出征中东,试图迫使当地的百姓重新皈依天主教。这些所谓的十字军东征每次都声势极为浩大。第三次十字军东征甚至英王, 法王和奥地利公爵一齐出动。在回返途中,英国的狮心王由于触怒了奥地利的公爵,被拘禁在杜伦施坦的城堡里。后来狮心王理查德被用重金赎回,据说理查德的仆人为了寻找狮心王的下落,沿着多瑙河整日歌唱,直至找到理查德为止。

Dürnstein is a small town on the Danube river in the Krems-Land district, in the Austrian state of Lower Austria. It is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the Wachau region and also a well-known wine growing area.


Dürnstein was first mentioned in 1192, when, in the castle above the town, King Richard I of England was held captive by Leopold V, Duke of Austria after their dispute during the Third Crusade. Richard the Lionheart had personally offended Leopold the Virtuous by casting down his standard from the walls at the Battle of Acre, and the duke suspected that King Richard ordered the murder of his cousin Conrad of Montferrat in Jerusalem. In consequence Pope Celestine III excommunicated Leopold for capturing a fellow crusader. The duke finally gave the custody of the king to Emperor Henry VI, who imprisoned Richard at Trifels Castle. Dürnstein Castle was almost completely destroyed by the troops of the Swedish Empire under Field Marshal Lennart Torstenson in 1645.


Dürnstein Abbey (Stift Dürnstein) was established in 1410 by Canons Regular from Třeboň and from 1710 rebuilt in a Baroque style according to plans by Joseph Munggenast, Jakob Prandtauer and Matthias Steinl. The monastery was dissolved by order of Emperor Joseph II in 1788 and fell to the Herzogenburg Priory.

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