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How to jump start a car - Step by step with Screenshots

1. Connect one end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal on the bad battery.

2. Then connect the other red (positive) cable clamp to the positive terminal of the good battery.

3. Connect one end of the black (negative) jumper cable to the negative terminal of the good battery.

4. Then connect the other black (negative) cable to a clean, unpainted metal surface under the disabled car’s hood. Somewhere on the engine block is a good place. Unless you want to see flying sparks and a possible explosion, do not connect the negative cable to the negative terminal of the dead battery, .

5. Start the car that’s doing the jumping, and allow it to run for about 2 to 3 minutes before starting the dead car.

6. Remove cables in reverse order.

7. Keep the jumped car running for at least 30 minutes to give the battery sufficient time to recharge itself.

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