Photoshop Filter Series 1: Reduce Noise

Noise can reduce the quality of the image, especially when you print it. With Photoshop, you may be able to reduce the noise. Here is how.

  1. Open an image and zoom in until the noise becomes more apparent.

2. Open Noise filter by going to Filter>Noise>Reduce Noise.

3. There are two options, Basic and Advanced. In The Basic, you have these options:

Strength: this option reduces the appearance of noise. However, it also makes the softer of image. You need to balance it.

Preserve Details: use it with Strength to preserve the details.

Reduce Color Noise: This is used to reduce color noise.

Sharpen Details: this is the method to prevent softening the image.

4. Advanced gives you an option to color noise per channel.

5. Compare.

This is before.

This is after.

Published by

Bob Lin

Bob Lin, MS-MVP, MCSE & CNE Data recovery, Windows OS Recovery, Networking, and Computer Troubleshooting on How to Install and Configure Windows, VMware, Virtualization and Cisco on