

第一天:卑尔根到诺勒姆松 (1.5小时)

  • 亮点:从卑尔根出发,探索这座城市的联合国教科文组织列出的布吕根码头,参观弗洛伊恩山。
  • 开车前往诺勒姆松:沿着峡湾行驶,途中可以在瀑布景点停留,比如Steinsdalsfossen瀑布,你可以从瀑布后面走过。

第二天:诺勒姆松到埃德峡湾 (2.5小时)

  • 哈当厄尔峡湾:沿着哈当厄尔峡湾行驶,经过美丽的自然景观和果园。
  • Fossli酒店和Vøringsfossen瀑布:参观挪威最著名的瀑布之一Vøringsfossen。
  • 埃德峡湾:游览哈当厄尔高原自然中心,在这个风景如画的峡湾小镇散步。

第三天:埃德峡湾到奥达 (1.5小时)

  • Måbødalen峡谷:欣赏壮丽的峡谷风光,途中过更多的瀑布景点。
  • 奥达:这是通往Folgefonna冰川的门户。你可以进行冰川徒步旅行,或者在镇上享受美丽的景色。

第四天:奥达到洛夫图斯 (1小时)

  • 洛夫图斯:以苹果园闻名,拥有Folgefonna冰川的绝美景色。你可以进行短途徒步,或者在峡湾边休息放松。

第五天:洛夫图斯到卑尔根 (2.5小时)

  • 返回卑尔根:在回程中,可以绕道小村庄或进行额外的徒步旅行。结束旅程时,可以继续探索卑尔根,或者参加一次峡湾游轮旅行。


  • 轮渡:有些峡湾部分可能需要乘坐短途轮渡,请提前查看时刻表。
  • 道路情况:道路维护良好,但有些较窄,尤其是在弯道和隧道处要小心驾驶。
  • 最佳旅行时间:夏季(6月至8月)是最佳的天气和交通通行期,秋季也有美丽的自然色彩。

A self-drive tour of the Hardanger Fjords in Norway

A self-drive tour of the Hardanger Fjords in Norway offers stunning views, natural beauty, and charming villages. Here’s a suggested route for your tour:

Day 1: Bergen to Norheimsund (1.5 hours)

  • Highlights: Start in Bergen, explore the city’s UNESCO-listed Bryggen wharf, and visit Mount Fløyen.
  • Drive to Norheimsund: A scenic drive along the fjord, with stops at waterfalls like Steinsdalsfossen, where you can walk behind the falls.

Day 2: Norheimsund to Eidfjord (2.5 hours)

  • Hardangerfjord: Drive along the Hardangerfjord, passing through beautiful landscapes and orchards.
  • Fossli Hotel & Vøringsfossen: Stop at Vøringsfossen, one of Norway’s most famous waterfalls.
  • Eidfjord: Visit the Hardangervidda Nature Center and take a walk in this picturesque fjord town.

Day 3: Eidfjord to Odda (1.5 hours)

  • Måbødalen Valley: Enjoy the dramatic valley scenery and more waterfall stops along the way.
  • Odda: The gateway to the Folgefonna Glacier. You can do a glacier hike if you’re adventurous or just enjoy the views from town.

Day 4: Odda to Lofthus (1 hour)

  • Lofthus: Known for its apple orchards, with stunning views of Folgefonna. Take a short hike or relax by the fjord.

Day 5: Lofthus to Bergen (2.5 hours)

  • Return to Bergen: On your way back, consider detours to small villages or additional hikes. Finish your journey by exploring more of Bergen or taking a fjord cruise.

Practical Tips:

  • Ferries: Some parts of the fjords might require short ferry rides, so check schedules in advance.
  • Road conditions: Roads are well-maintained, but can be narrow. Drive carefully, especially around bends and tunnels.
  • Best time to visit: Summer (June-August) is ideal for weather and accessibility, though autumn also offers beautiful colors.





  • 哥本哈根地铁有两条主要线路:M1和M2,覆盖市区及部分郊区。
  • 地铁全天24小时运营,高峰时段每6分钟一班,夜间每20分钟一班。
  • 地铁票价按区域计费,机场位于第4区,市区主要景点位于1区。


  • 火车适合从机场或城市内主要车站前往市区,尤其适合前往哥本哈根中央火车站。
  • 乘坐火车也是前往郊区(如罗斯基勒、赫尔辛格等)的最佳方式。


  1. 单程票:按区域收费,例如跨越2区为24克朗,跨越3区为36克朗。
  2. City Pass小通票:包含1-4区,适合机场往返及市区出行,24小时80克朗,48小时150克朗等。
  3. City Pass大通票:包含1-99区,适合远途出行,24小时160克朗起。
  4. 哥本哈根卡(Copenhagen Card:适合游客,提供公交无限次乘坐和80多处景点的免费参观。


  • 从哥本哈根机场可以搭乘地铁或火车,约15分钟到市中心。
  • 机场到市区的单程票价为36克朗,需购买三区票。


  • 哥本哈根市内的公交车也非常便捷,市区主要景点集中在1区和2区内,24克朗的两区票可以在1小时15分钟内免费换乘。

你可以通过自助售票机、便利店、或公交车上直接购票,并可下载相关APP如Rejseplanen和DOT Tickets来方便规划和购买票券。

How does YouTube download work? Can I watch the downloaded YouTube movie? If so, how?

YouTube allows users to download videos through its mobile app, but only if you have YouTube Premium or the video is available for offline viewing in your region. Here’s how the process works and what you need to know:

How YouTube Downloads Work:

  1. YouTube Premium Members: If you have a YouTube Premium subscription, you can download most videos for offline viewing on your YouTube app on iOS and Android.
  2. Availability by Region: Some videos are made available for offline downloads without needing Premium, depending on the video owner or region.
  3. Offline Mode: You can download the video to your device but must open the YouTube app to watch it. The video is stored within the app and cannot be accessed in your file system.

How to Download a YouTube Video:

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Navigate to the video you want to download.
  3. Tap the Download button (usually below the video).
  4. Choose the resolution (higher resolutions take more storage space).
  5. Once downloaded, you can find the video in the Library or Downloads tab.

How to Watch a Downloaded Video:

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Go to the Library section.
  3. Tap on Downloads.
  4. Play any of the videos listed.

Important Notes:

  • You can only watch downloaded videos offline within the YouTube app. The download is not stored in your phone’s gallery or file system.
  • Downloaded videos expire after 30 days, or if the video is removed from YouTube.
  • You need to reconnect to the internet at least once every 30 days to renew your access to the downloads.