这片被大西洋拥抱的国度,充满了海洋的浪漫和文化的底蕴。从拉戈斯的金色海滩到里斯本的古老街道,再到辛特拉的宫殿和园林,葡萄牙的每一个城市都散发着独特的魅力和韵味。 首先,让我们来到拉戈斯,这座位于阿尔加维地区的海滨城市。您可以漫步在金色海滩上,感受大西洋的清新海风。在拉戈斯,您还可以参观古老的城堡和教堂,体验地道的葡萄牙海鲜美食。交通方面,您可以乘坐公交车或出租车前往各个景点。在这里,您可以选择住在海边度假村或是市中心的精品酒店,享受舒适的住宿体验。 接下来,我们来到葡萄牙的首都里斯本。里斯本是一座充满活力和文化气息的城市,贝伦塔、里斯本古城和罗西奥广场是里斯本的必游景点。您可以乘坐有轨电车或地铁轻松到达各个景点,感受里斯本的独特魅力。在里斯本,您可以选择住在历史悠久的宫殿酒店或是现代化的城市酒店,根据自己的喜好选择合适的住宿。 辛特拉是葡萄牙的一个宝藏,这里有着迷人的宫殿和园林,如佩纳宫和辛特拉国家宫殿。您可以乘坐火车或公交车前往这里,感受辛特拉的优雅和宁静。在这里,您可以选择住在宫殿酒店或是当地风情的民宿,体验不一样的住宿感受。 葡萄牙之旅充满了海洋的浪漫和文化的底蕴,每一个城市都有着独特的风景和故事。无论您是追寻海滩风情,还是探寻文化遗迹,葡萄牙都能满足您的各种需求。希望您在葡萄牙之行中留下美好的回忆!
Author: Bob Lin
在西班牙这片充满激情和浪漫的土地上,每一个城市都有着独特的魅力和故事。从巴塞罗那的现代主义建筑到马德里的皇宫,从València的海滨风光到Alhambra的摩尔式宫殿,再到Granada的阿尔罕布拉宫,seville的热情欢快和Cabo de Sao Vicente的壮丽海岸线,西班牙的每一个角落都值得我们去探索。 首先,让我们来到巴塞罗那,这座充满现代主义风格的城市。您可以前往高迪设计的圣家堂,感受其独特的建筑风格和壮丽的气势。在巴特罗之家和米拉之家,您也能领略到高迪的设计精髓。交通方面,巴塞罗那有发达的地铁和公交系统,便于您游览城市。在这里,您可以选择住在市中心的精品酒店或是靠近海滩的度假公寓,根据自己的喜好选择合适的住宿。 接下来,我们来到西班牙的首都马德里。皇宫、普拉多博物馆、索菲亚王后艺术中心是马德里的必游景点。您可以乘坐地铁或公交车轻松到达各个景点。在马德里,您可以选择住在市中心繁华地段的豪华酒店,或是体验当地风情的民宿,感受真正的马德里生活。 València是一座充满阳光和海风的城市,著名的海滩和现代艺术博物馆吸引着无数游客。您可以乘坐有轨电车或公交车游览城市,体验地道的西班牙美食和文化。在València,您可以选择住在海滨度假村或是市中心的精品酒店,享受舒适的住宿体验。 Alhambra和Granada是西班牙南部的明珠,Alhambra的摩尔式宫殿和Granada的阿尔巴伦卡区是这里的代表性景点。您可以乘坐火车或公交车前往这两个城市,感受南部的独特风情。在这里,您可以选择住在历史悠久的宫殿酒店或是当地风格的民宿,体验不一样的住宿感受。 seville是西班牙南部的文化之都,热情欢快的氛围让人流连忘返。您可以乘坐有轨电车或步行游览这座城市,参观哥特式大教堂和皇宫。在seville,您可以选择住在历史悠久的宫殿酒店或是当地风情的民宿,感受浓厚的西班牙文化氛围。 最后,Cabo de Sao Vicente是葡萄牙的一个海岬,这里有壮丽的海岸线和迷人的风景。您可以乘坐公交车或租车前往这里,欣赏大西洋的壮丽景色。在这里,您可以选择住在海边度假村或是靠近海岬的度假公寓,享受宁静的海边假期。 西班牙之旅充满了文化和历史的魅力,每一个城市都有着独特的风景和故事。无论您是追寻历史文化,还是享受海滩风情,西班牙都能满足您的各种需求。希望您在西班牙之行中留下美好的回忆!
My daughter has depression, stress, anxiety . How can we help her?
- Encourage Professional Help: Seek the guidance of a mental health professional such as a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist. They can provide a proper diagnosis and suggest appropriate treatment options, which may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both.
- Create a Supportive Environment: Foster an open and supportive atmosphere at home where your daughter feels comfortable expressing her feelings without fear of judgment. Let her know that it’s okay to ask for help and that you’re there to support her.
- Educate Yourself: Learn more about depression, stress, and anxiety to better understand what your daughter is going through. This can help you provide more effective support and empathy.
- Encourage Healthy Habits: Help your daughter establish and maintain healthy habits such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. These can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being.
- Promote Social Connection: Encourage your daughter to maintain social connections with friends and family members who are supportive and understanding. Social support can play a crucial role in managing mental health challenges.
- Limit Stressors: Identify and try to reduce any sources of stress in your daughter’s life, whether they’re related to school, relationships, or other areas. This might involve setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, or seeking alternative solutions.
- Encourage Hobbies and Activities: Encourage your daughter to engage in activities she enjoys and finds fulfilling. Hobbies and interests can serve as healthy distractions and outlets for stress relief.
- Monitor Progress: Keep track of how your daughter is feeling and any changes in her symptoms. If you notice any concerning developments or if she’s not improving, don’t hesitate to seek additional help or adjustments to her treatment plan.
Remember, recovery from depression, stress, and anxiety can take time, and it’s essential to be patient and supportive throughout the process. Your daughter may benefit from a combination of professional treatment, social support, and self-care strategies.
Can’t send photos on WeChat
- Check file size and format
Photos must be in JPEG or PNG format, and no larger than 10 MB in file size or 1000 x 1000 pixels in image size. If your photo doesn’t meet these requirements, you can convert it to the correct size and format before sending.
- Update WeChat
Updating to the latest version of WeChat may allow you to send larger photos.
- Check your network connection
A poor network connection can prevent WeChat from sending files. You can try disabling your network by swiping down your phone’s screen and tapping the Wi-Fi or phone data icon. After a few seconds, you can turn it back on or connect to a new network.
- Check your permissions
Make sure WeChat has permission to access your phone’s camera. For Android, you can go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App permissions > Camera/Location/Microphone/Phone and enable WeChat’s permissions. For iOS, you can go to Settings > WeChat > Enable or disable Location/Contacts/Microphone/Camera.
Does Medicare Cover Yellow Fever Vaccine?
Original Medicare benefits cover a number of vaccinations under Part B, including the flu shot; however, the program does not typically cover voluntary vaccinations against preventable disease that are generally acquired through travel abroad. As a result, if you opt to travel outside of the United States to an area of the world where a disease is more prevalent, you will likely need to pay for the vaccine yourself. This is because Medicare benefits offer coverage for medically necessary items, and if you’re electing to travel, then you are assuming the risk.
It is possible that a Medicare Advantage plan may provide added benefits for travel vaccinations. Additionally, you may be able to find specific travel insurance plans outside of Medicare that provide coverage for travel-related medical coverage, including vaccines.
Update – It depends on your pharmacy coverage. My Wellcare Drug Plan cover it.
How often do you need to change a Tesla tire?
Practically, Tesla tires last 20K – 40K miles. So, if you drive 10K miles a year, you’ll need a new set of tires in three years. Tesla recommends rotating your car’s tires every 6,250 miles. If the tread depth difference reaches 2/32 (1.5 mm) or more before that, you needn’t wait to hit 6k miles.
Tesla Vehicle Maintenance
Unlike gasoline cars, Tesla vehicles require no traditional oil changes, fuel system maintenance, spark plug replacements or emission checks. Even brake pad replacements are rare because regenerative braking returns energy to the battery, significantly reducing wear on the brakes.
Check your owner’s manual for latest maintenance recommendations for your Tesla vehicle.
Recommended Maintenance Service
Cabin Air Filter
Your Tesla vehicle is equipped with an air filter that prevents pollen, industrial fallout, road dust and other particles from entering through the vents. We recommend the following cabin air filter replacement schedule:
Model 3 Model Y | Replace your cabin air filter every 2 years. |
Model S Model X | Replace your cabin air filter every 3 years.* |
Tire Rotation, Balance and Wheel Alignment
We recommend rotating your tires every 6,250 miles or if the difference of tread depth between two of your tires is 2/32 inches or greater, whichever comes first. Aggressive driving can lead to accelerated tire wear and may require more frequent tire service. Wheels and tires that are unbalanced and misaligned can impact handling, tire life and steering components. Refer to tire manufacturer’s owner manuals and warranty documentation for additional details.
Can’t take Tesla Charging adopter out because the Unlock Charger button broken
Situation: The client uses Chargepont and Tesla SAE J1772 adapter to charge his Model Y. After the charging, he can’t take Tesla Charging adopter out because the Unlock Charger button broken and the Tesla shows red.
Resolution 1: use ChargPoint app to unlock.
- In app, stop charging.
- app UI will update with Unlock Charger button. Tap on that and car will unlock the charger socket
- Pull both adapter and ChargePoint cable out at the same time. Car will close the flag once the adapter is out.
- disconnect ChargePoint plug from adapter and put it back in the pedestal
Resolution 2: Stop charging using Tesla app.
Medicare protections
Complain to The Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman https://www.medicare.gov/basics/your-medicare-rights/get-help-with-your-rights-protections
Or visit medicare.gov or call 1-800-633-4227 to fill a complaint.
What’s Medicare plan G?
Medicare Plan G, also known as Medicare Supplement Plan G, is a type of Medicare supplement insurance policy offered by private insurance companies to fill the gaps in coverage left by Original Medicare (Part A and Part B).
Medicare Supplement Plan G provides coverage for the following benefits:
- Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
- Medicare Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
- Medicare Part A deductible
- Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment
- Medicare Part B excess charges
- Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
- First three pints of blood for a medical procedure
The only out-of-pocket cost not covered by Medicare Supplement Plan G is the Medicare Part B deductible, which beneficiaries must pay before Medicare covers their outpatient services.
Plan G offers comprehensive coverage and is often considered a good option for those who want extensive coverage without the potentially higher premiums associated with Medicare Supplement Plan F.
It’s important to note that Medicare Supplement plans are standardized by the federal government, so Plan G will offer the same basic benefits regardless of which insurance company sells it. However, premiums and availability may vary by location and insurance provider.