Use Reduce Noise and Surface Blur to reduce Noise in Photoshop

  1. With the image open, make duplication by right click the Background Layer.

2. Go to Filter>Noise>Reduce Noise.

3. Increase Strength and Reduce Color Noise, decrease Preserve Details and Sharpen Details. Click Preview to compare.

4. Duplicate the Layer and go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur.

5. Adjust Radius and Threshold.

6. Compare each layer to view the difference.

Please review step by step video.

Create sunset background using Match Color and Gradient Tool

  1. Open all images. Duplicate the Layer by right click on it.

2. Match the color by going to Image>Adjustment>Match Color. Select the source and adjust Fade, Luminance, Color Intensity.

3. Move the sunset image into original image.

4. Add a Vector Mask.

5. Select Gradient Tool and gradient sunset color from bottom to top. You may try more than once.

6. Result.

Please review the step by step 5 minute video:

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Match and adjust Sunset background using Camera RAW Filter



  1. Duplicate the image.

2. Also open another image you would like to match the color.

3. In the original image, go to Image>Adjustment>Match Color. Select the source image, adjust Fade, Luminance, Color Intensity.

4. Open Camera RAW Filter to adjust color, for example, Temperature, Tint, Exposure, Contract, Highlight, Shadows, White, Black, Clarity, Vbrance.

Please review the step by step video:

Please view 5 minute step by step video:

Sunset editing with Gradient Map in Photoshop



  1. Duplicate the image by going to Layer.

2. Convert it to Smart Object by right click on the Layer. Note: with Smart Object, it is easy to make modify later.

3. Open Gradient Map on Adjustment Layer icon.

4. From the Gradient Map, select the color and change the Blending Mode to Soft Light. You can also adjust the Opacity.

5. You can do the Gradient Map multiple times. In next example, I will add another Gradient Map to brighter the shadow.

6. If you are not happen the result, you can go back to change the Gradient Map.

Please view the step by step video:

Create Sunset background using Brush Tool



  1. Duplicate the image by going to Layer.

2. Add a new Layer.

3. Select Brush Tool with orange color.

4. Make a large size, 0% Hardness.

5. Click the Brush in any place.

6. Hold Ctrl+T to select the orange light area and adjust the size.

7. Change the Blending mode to Screen and you cam also adjust the Opacity.

8. Use the Move Tool to move the sunset light to the place you want.

Please view the step by step video:

How to make long legs in Photoshop

  1. Duplicate the image from the Layer.

2. Use the Selection Crop Tool to make the the high longer.

3. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the area you want to make it longer.

4. In the selected area, right click and select Free Transform.

5. Right click again and select Distort.

6. Distort to the bottom and click OK.

7. Deselect.

8. Compare before and after.

Please view the step by step video:

Blur Portrait background using Selection Tool and Tilt-Shift



  1. Duplicate the image.

2. Use Selection Tool to select object.

3. Use the Selection Tool to select all areas you don’t want to blur.

4. Inverse by going to Select>Inverse, which selected blur areas.

5. Now, go to Filter>Blur Galley>Tilt-Shift

6. Adjust Tilt-Shift areas, Blur, Light Bokeh, Bokeh Color, Light Range.

7. Result.

Please view step by step video:

How to install Preset in Photoshop 2020 step by step

  1. Download and save the preset file, in our example it is 105 saved in download folder.
  2. Double click on the Preset file, in our example the preset file, 105 Free Gradients.grd, which will add 105 Free Gradients.grd into Gradient Preset.
  3. to check the installation status, go to Gradient Editor.

Alternatively, you can copy the Preset file into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2020\Presets folder.

Please view the step by step video:

How to install Gradient preset in Photoshop 2020

Merge images using Blending mode and Brush Tool in Photoshop 2020

There are many ways to blend images in Photoshop. One easy way is using Blending mode plus Brush Tool. Here is how.

  1. Open all images. Match the Color of the Foreground image with Background image by going to Image>Adjustments>Match Color

2. Duplicate Foreground image.

3. Move the background image into the Foreground image and adjust the size.

4. Select the Blending mode, Dark Color in our case.

5. Add a new Layer Mask.

6. Use the brush to paint Foreground image you want to show up.

please view the step by step video: