How to adjust tonal range using Photoshop Levels

With the Photoshop Levels, I can adjust, correct the tonal range of an image. You will do it on the Levels histogram by adjusting intensity levels of image shadows, midtones, and highlights. There are 3 ways to do it.

  1. Adjust Input levels. Open Levels from Image>Adjustment>Levels.

Our example, from 0 (black) to 50 and 255 (white) to 220 are empty. Move the left slider from 0 to 50 and right slider from right to 220. That will increases the tonal range and also overall contrast of the image.

2. Use the point. Select White Point and then click on the white area.

Select Black Point and then click on the dark area.

3. Auto. Click on Auto.

How to extend or fill an image in Photoshop




  1. Use Crop Tool to extend image with white background.

2. Use Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the area you want to extend.

3. Ctrl+T to highlight the selected area.

4. Now, hold Shift key, use mouse to move the right point to right.

5. Press Enter to complete.


  1. Use Crop Tool to extend image with white background.
  2. Use Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the area you want to extend and the area you want to be filled.

3. Go to Edit>Fill. Make sure Contents is Content-Aware and model is Normal. Click OK.

  1. It may take a while to complete .

How to change background color in Photoshop

  1. Use Selection Tool to select the object.

2. Hold Ctrl +Q to open Quick Mask to fix missing the part of object.

3. Since we want to change the background color, inverse the section (shift+Ctrl+I).

4. Click on Create a new fill or adjustment layer icon and select Solid Color.

5. Select the color you want to change.

6. To match the background light and shadow, select Multiply in

7. More one again, you can fix the selection by using Brush tool. For example the hair.

8. Highlight the selected mask. Select Brush tool with Black for background and white for foreground. This is after.

9. To change to different color, double click on the color pane.

Please view this step by step video:

How to use Pen Tool to select an object in Photoshop

In Photoshop, Pen Tool is most accurate selection tool. Here is how to use it.

  1. Choose Pen Tool and create a path.

2. After completing the circle path, right click and choose Mask Selection.

3. If you want top brush outside edge, inverse the selection first. Select he Brush Tool with Black background. Start to brush the outside edge.

4. Complete it.

How to use Edit in Quick Mask Mode in Photoshop to select objects

  1. Use Select Tool to select a object.

2. Click Edit in Quick Mask Mode icon or press Q

3. The background becomes red.

4. Select Brush Tool (Shift+B). I can brush the object with the white Foreground or erase the background with Black Background.

5. Leave the Quick Mask Mode by pressing or by clicking on the same icon which we used to activate Quick Mask Mode.

6. Go to Select>Select and Mask to refine edge. Save as Layer Mask.

7. This is the result.

8. To check the result, add a new layer by click on Create a New Layer icon. Move the new layer below.

9. Go to Edit>Fill. Select 50% Gray.

10. With 50 Gray background, you can see more details of selection.

11. Now, you can use Select and Mask to refine the edge.

Understand Photoshop Layer Mask

  1. Add Mask to selected object.

Use Selection tool to select object. In this example, we use Object tool plus Quick Selection tool.

After the selection, click Add a Mask icon.

Now, you have selected object with transparency background.

Alternately, if you still in Selection Tool
, you can click on Select and Mask
(go to Select>Select and Mask) .

Adjust the selection and then Layer Mask.

You can use Shaft + click to show or hind the background.

2. Add another text layer behind the image.

Click Crete a new layer in the bottom. Select Text Tool (T). Type some words.. The words are in the front the image.

To move the text behind the image, hold

move to Text Layer.

the some words doesn’t show until we highlight selected object and hod, control + i.

But if you move the text out of the object, we miss some part of words.

Now, if you unlink Text layer and selected layer,

You can see the all words.

You can double click on the Text layer to change the text. Or click Move tool to move the words.

3. If you want to display the image behind text, use select tool to select the area.

Make sure the selected image is highlighted

Use Brush tool with Black background, brush the word Live. The background show up.

4. To add one more layer between original layer and select/Text layer, host Control key click on Create a new layer.

Make sure the black background is selected, and Hold Alt key click Backspace. You have the black background.

If you have text layer highlight without link, you can move the text.

If you have selected object highlight with link, you can move the object.

If you hold Control + T, you can large or small the object.

How to use Alpha channel to select a object in Photoshop

To select complexity object, you may need to use Alpha channel. Alpha Channel is a component that determines the transparency settings for certain colors or selections. In addition to your red, green, and blue channels, you can create a separate alpha channel to control the opacity of an object, or isolate it from the rest of your image. Photoshop’s Alpha Channels allow you to split your image up into red, green, and blue colors. Each channel you view appears black and white. The darker areas have less of the color in question, and the brighter areas have more. Here is how.

  1. Open an image wit Photoshop.

2. Click Channel. Select the most contract Channel, Blue in our case. Then create a alpha channel.

3. Make the image with the most contrast by using levels.

4. Open Levels from Images>Adjustment. Make the white is more white and black are more black.

5. Open Apply Image from Images. Make sure the Channel is Blue copy. Change the Blending to Multiply.

6. Use Dodge Tool to light the white area.

7. Use Burn Tool to dark the black area.

8. Select the brush tool with “overlay” blend mode.

9. Set foreground color white, to paint white.

10. Set foreground black white, to paint black.

11. Hold Ctrl key click on Blue Copy to select all white.

12. Go to Select>Inverse to select the tree.

13. Click Layer and then Add Vector Mask .

14. To see how good the selection, move into another image.

Please view the step by step video: