Use Luminar 3 Looks

Luminar Looks is a recipe is a set of instructions, which includes a list of the ingredients required — to prepare something. The ingredients used in Luminar Looks are Filters. These filters can be used individually or combined to create a particular style or Look.

If you don’t see Luminar Looks click three ooo icon. You should see it like this:

You have these options: Landscape, Portrait, Essential, Street, Lifestyle, Dramatic, Aerial, Favorites, and more.


  1. 必须是群主才能解散微信群。
  2. 目前没有一键解散微信群的功能。请按一下步骤解散微信群。

1) 进入聊天页面之后,点击右上角的三个小圆点。

2) 这时你会看到群成员,在最下方会看到加号和减号,点击减号。

3) 这时群成员的右侧都会出现小方框。

4) 选中这些小方框,小方框变成了绿色。


6) 这时这个群,还有一个人就是群主。

7) 一直向下拉。点击最后的删除并退出。 


1. 拍白色主体时,比如拍鸟,可以试一试过曝一点。

2. 拍鸟要有耐心,耐心等待时机。

3. 拍鸟要有头,有眼,有光。

4. 有些呆鸟不怕人的话,尝试用广角,拍得夸张一点。

5. 拍鸟时多考虑时间和环境。

6. 不好的时机,不好的鸟,不拍,宁愿放弃。

7. 摄影和拍照的是有区别的, 摄影不是随意的拍照。

8. 摄影要有所拍,有所不拍。

9. 多尝试不同角度,不同环境。

10. 后期调黑背景,不能死黑无细节。

11. 摄影后期就是一种取舍的艺术。

12. 后期调色不应该破坏自然规律,不要调色调过。

13. 风光片对景深要求很高,黑白要协调。

14. 很多主体不突出的原因是主体与背景色彩一样或者接近,所以要尽量避免。15. 再好的光,再好的环境,绝不拍鸟屁股。

16. 后期裁剪是第二次构图。

17. 总结:多看,多琢磨,多拍


几个月前我到湖边拍月亮,那里有直桥,有长媞,可以做引导线指向月亮,但是我没有拍好,为什么呢?因为我不知道月亮从何处升起?1/20星期天下午,我们有幸请到美国华裔摄影师, PlanIt开发者乔文杰先生介绍 能让你预测风光摄影最佳时机的软件, 风光摄影师的最有力助手!根据《极致之美 – 云漫的风光摄影手记》,我把PlanIt的主要功能归纳几点:

1. 熟悉日出日落、月升月落的时间和方位;

2. 了解银河在不同季节,不同地点,不同时刻在天空中的形态和位置;

3. 查找某一天的月相;知道拍摄点的地理位置和太阳/月亮/银河直接的关系;

4. 掌握潮水涨落时间。

Brazil Tour – 巴西游记

Most Flights from Chicago to Rio, BR stop Miami, FL. We took AA in this trip.

12/22/2018: arrive Miami airport at 10 AM. If you have couple hours in MIA for transfer, you may want to rent a car to visit Everglades National Park or Botanical garden. If you prefer to shot birds, we can try Wakodahatchee Wetlands. We went to safari Adventure to see animals.

12/23/2018: arrive Rio De Janeiro International Airport, GIG. Then transfeered to Iguassu Falls (IGU).

12/24/2018: took Uber to Iguassu Falls. Iguassu Falls are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the border of the Argentine province of Misiones and the Brazilian state of Paraná. Together, they make up the largest waterfall system in the world. The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River rises near the heart of the city of Curitiba. For most of its course, the river flows through Brazil; however, most of the falls are on the Argentine side. Below its confluence with the San Antonio River, the Iguazu River forms the boundary between Argentina and Brazil.

It costs around R$15 from the city. Then purchase inside bus ticket around R$15 or boarding for R$79.

If you perfer, you can take helicopter. My advice is do one, boarding or helicopter.

If you have time, you may visit zoo. You can see many animals there.

12/25/2018: Visit Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam. The Itaipu Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The construction of the dam was first contested by Argentina, but the negotiations and resolution of the dispute ended up setting the basis for Argentine–Brazilian integration later on. It produced the most energy of any in the world as of 2016, setting a new world record of 103,098,366 megawatt hours (MWh), and surpassed the Three Gorges Dam plant in energy production in 2015 and 2016

Then took fliht to Rio.

12/26/2018 to 1/1/2019 in Rio

Corcovado Christ the Redeemer is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with French engineer Albert Caquot. Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida fashioned the face. Constructed between 1922 and 1931, the statue is 30 metres (98 ft) high, excluding its 8-metre (26 ft) pedestal. The arms stretch 28 metres (92 ft) wide.

Olympic Boulevard, Museum of Tomorrow, Salaron Steps, Praca XV.

Sugarloaf Mountain and Morro da Urca

Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Vista Chinesa and Parque Lage.

Copacabana Beach, Ipanema Beach

Maracanã Stadium – You can’t get in. We too some pictures outside.

Niteroi City

Rio Firework – Second only to Carnival, Copacabana Beach’s New Year’s Eve party is one of the biggest on in the world, attracting over two million people with its free concert and extraordinary fireworks display.

All about Brazil

  1. Language: Portuguese is office language. Not many Brazilians speak English, particularly outside Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paul. Many museum, transportation services don’t provide Engildh or any other languages.
  2. Currency: in December, 2018, $1=R$3.9. most store and companies accept credid card. It is recommended to use credit card if your credit card company doesn’t charge the fee. If they give you options to pay by R$ or us$, choose paying $ since the US$ rate is higher.
  3. Transportation: the transportation is ok, but it isn’t convenience for travelers and foreignes. It is recommended to take Uber. It is cheaper and faster. However, Uber’s price may change depending on the time. From the Copacabana beach to airport charges R$23 normally. When we left on new year day, it charges R$80.

Histogram settings in Canon camera

A histogram is a graph that displays the frequency and distribution of tones in an image. The horizontal axis of the graph represents the tonal variations, while the vertical axis represents the number of pixels in that particular tone.

To setup histogram display on Canon 5D camera, please follow these steps:

  1. Press Menu.

2. Use the Quick Control Dial to scroll to the histogram setting.

3. Press Set.

4. Use the Quick Control Dial to select either Brightness or RGB5.Press Set.

To setup Live View histogram,  press “INFO” repeatedly until it appears on the Live View display. If it doesn’t come up, then you’ll need to check the camera menu – the Live Histogram can only be displayed when “Exposure Simulation” is set to “Enable”.


1. 大多数情况下,广角风光照,前景在十米之外事没什么价值的。前景最好在1,2,或者3,4米。

2. 发现特殊的东西或视角,比如线条,光影,重复,曲线,波纹。

3. 如果你拍得不够好,说明你走的不够近。广角摄影也是一样,拍前景也要尽可能的近。

4. 广角变形不一定是坏事。当然在拍人像时,千万不要把人放在边上。

5. 避免空旷的天空。风光摄影大部分以地面为主。地面越多,气势越大。

6. 用广角拍照,可以试一试仰着拍,躺着拍。

7. 留白多属于艺术类,风光摄影一般画面越大,越震撼。

8. 广角拍摄长犯的错误就是远景太小。最大的问题是前景太大,远景太小。不耐看。

9. 构图的关键就是取舍。

10. 避免八股文,避免公式。前景要为主题服务。

11. 一张好的照片也可以不要前景。