How To Turn on/Off the Viewfinder on the Sony A7 camera

With Sony A7 camera, when you bring the camera to your eye, a dedicated sensor on top of the EVF (eye sensor) can disable the monitor and activate the viewfinder automatically. When you move the camera away from your face, the viewfinder is disabled and live view goes back to the LCD screen. Here is how to turn off the Viewfinder on the Sony A7 camera.

  1. Go to Camera Settings 3 / FINDER/MONITOR

2. Press OK

3. Select Monitor (Manual) and press OK. The EVF is disabled and you can only use the rear LCD screen.


  1. 斗地主需要三个人玩,两个农民,一个地主,两个农民就要联合起来斗地主。

2. 发牌前要翻过来一张牌,谁拿到了就是地主(得一份)。 地主不要,接下来的也不要,那么尾家就必须要牌,于是尾家就成了新地主。首轮地主由系统选出(翻牌),以后每轮按顺序 做地主 。 也可以叫牌, 后叫牌者必须叫更高的分,比如第一个叫牌得两分,第二个叫牌的三分。

3。 地主可以拿最后的三张底牌。

4. 最大的牌就是王炸,小王和大王 一起出 ,别人出什么牌都可以用王炸。第二大就是炸弹,需要4张一样的牌。 顺序为3333<4444<5555<6666<7777<8888<9999<10101010<JJJJ<QQQQ<KKKK<AAAA<2222。

5. 飞机带翅膀就是说手上要有三个一样的牌两队就是飞机,比如QQQKKK或555666就是飞机,翅膀就是可以任意带上两只单牌一起出 。飞机带翅膀:三顺+同数量的单牌(或同数量的对牌)。如: 444555+79 或 333444555+7799JJ。 四带二:四张牌+两手牌。(注意:四带二不是炸弹)。如: 5555 + 3 + 8 或 4444 + 55 + 77 。

6. 连对就是对子连起来,至少要有三对才能出连对,连对如,334455,991010JJ,QQKKAA就是连对。

7. 连牌就是要五张以上相连才叫连牌,如34567,8910JQKA。对方出34567,自己打的话就要有45678或10JQKA才可以出牌。

8. 单牌就是单张出牌为单牌,最大就是大王,小王,2,A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3.

9. 对子、单张都可以出牌。

10. 决定胜负。如果你是地主,你的牌先出完你赢。如果你是农民 ,那么你和另一个

Learning Lightroom

Popular Shortcuts:

Ctrl + Shift + I = Import/Export

D = Enter the Develop Module

G = Library View Modes

R = The Crop Tool

Q = Activate Spot Removal

Command/Ctrl + U = Auto Tone

Automatically helps you balance exposure such as Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, and Blacks.

Command + Shift + U = Auto White Balance

Command/Ctrl + E = Edit a copy in Adobe Photoshop

V = Convert to Grayscale (convert your photo to black & white)

O = Show/Hide Adjustment Filter mask overlay

\ = Before/After

L = Cycle Through Lights Out Mode

Shift+Ctrl+F (Windows) or Shift+Command+F (Mac OS) = Full Screen And Hide Panels mode

Lest Arrow key – next page

Command/Ctrl + Z = Undo

Shift + Tab = Hide All Panels

Preference Settings

Edit Default settings: Edit>Preference(Ctrl+>External Editing.


Merge a Moon into an image using Mask

In this example, we will show you how to add a Moon into a night image using Mask.

These are two original images.

This is the result.

Step 1. Select Moon.

2. Select Move icon and move the Moon into the night image.

Step 2. Composite the moon.
1. Choose Magic Wand Tool and select Moon black background.

2. Cut the black background.

3. Hold Ctrl+T to select the Moon, and resize it.

Step 3. Bland the Moon and adjust light/color.

  1. Select a Blanding option which you want to use, Color Dodge in our example.

Note: if you make larger, you can see the Moon is over layer on the head of the person. To fix it, we can use mask.

2. Make sure the night image is selected, use Magic Wand Tool to select the sky background.

3. Make sure the Moon layer is selected, add a Mask.

Note: the over layer disappear.

If you uncheck night image, you can see the result.

4. Make sure the Moon layer is selected, adjust brightness, Contract, Hue/Saturation, and Color Balance.

Add Moon into an image using Photoshop Blanding Options

In this example, we will show how to add Moon into an image with trees using Photoshop Blanding Options.

These are original images.

This is the result.

Step 1. Move the Moon into the tree image.

  1. Select Moon.

2. Select Move icon and move the Moon into the tree image.

Step 2. Composite the moon.

  1. Make sure the Move icon is selected and move the Moon behind the tree.

2. Hold Ctrl+T to select the Moon, and resize it.

3. Choose Magic Wand Tool and select Moon black background.

4. Cut the black background.

Step 3. Bland the Moon and adjust light/color.

  1. Select a Blanding option which you want to use, Color Dodge in our example.

2. Make sure the Moon layer is selected, go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contract.

3. Adjust brightness.

4. Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation and adjust Hue/Saturation.

5. Go to Image>Adjustments>Color Balance and adjust color balance.

Step 4. Adjust any light and color until you are happy about the result.