







2、箭牌:中、发、白,各4张 ,共12张。


How to withdraw Brightstar 529

  1. Login owner account at Brightstar.


3. Click on Take a Withdrawal

4. Click WITHDRAW again.

5. In Redemption Type, check Qualified Redemption, Partial-Complete Redemption, Redemption Details.

6. Select Payee.

Note: For UIUC or other Illinois public colleges, send the check to

University Of Illinois Payment Center

Student A/R

28393 Network Place

Chicago, IL 60673-1283

What are qualified educational expenses

Based on IRS Publication 970 (January 17, 2020), defines qualified education expenses as: Expenses related to enrollment or attendance at an eligible postsecondary school. The education expenses as listed below could be required by the school.

  1. The following expenses must be required for enrollment or attendance of a designated beneficiary at an eligible postsecondary school.
    1. Tuition and fees.
    2. Books, supplies, and equipment.
  2. Expenses for special needs services needed by a special needs beneficiary must be incurred in connection with enrollment or attendance at an eligible postsecondary school.
  3. Expenses for room and board must be incurred by students who are enrolled at least half-time (defined below). The expense for room and board qualifies only to the extent that it isn’t more than the greater of the following two amounts.
    1. The allowance for room and board, as determined by the school, that was included in the cost of attendance (for federal financial aid purposes) for a particular academic period and living arrangement of the student.
    2. The actual amount charged if the student is residing in housing owned or operated by the school. You may need to contact the eligible educational institution for qualified room and board costs.
  4. The purchase of computer or peripheral equipment, computer software, or Internet access and related services if it’s to be used primarily by the beneficiary during any of the years the beneficiary is enrolled at an eligible postsecondary school. (This doesn’t include expenses for computer software for sports, games, or hobbies unless the software is predominantly educational in nature.)
  5. For distributions made after 2018, expenses for fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the designated beneficiary’s participation in an apprenticeship program registered and certified with the Secretary of Labor under section 1 of the National Apprenticeship Act.
  6. For distributions made after 2018, no more than $10,000 paid as principal or interest on qualified student loans of the designated beneficiary or the designated beneficiary’s sibling. A sibling includes a brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister. For purposes of the $10,000 limitation, amounts treated as a qualified higher education expense for the loans of a sibling are taken into account for the sibling and not for the designated beneficiary. You can’t deduct as interest on a student loan any amount paid from a distribution of earnings from a qualified tuition program after 2018 to the extent the earnings are treated as a tax free because they were used to pay student loan interest.

Photograph the Milky Way: Where, When and How

Where are the best places to photograph Milky Way in Illinois?

Where are the best places to photograph Milky Way in Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana.

Foreground and composition consideration

Star or Sky app

The Milky Way rises in the southeast, crosses the southern horizon, and then sets in the southwest

When is Milky Way Season and what time to shot?

The best time to photograph the Milky Way is one hour after sunset or before sunrise without moon.

Can I see the Milky way without especial equipment. yes, you can!

How to photograph Milky Way?

Camera Settings:

Use the 500 rule to set your shutter speed. 500 rule is 500 divided by the focal length of the lens. Here are some examples:

500 ÷ 14mm on a full frame sensor = 35 seconds

500 ÷ 24mm = 20 seconds

500 ÷ 18mm ÷ 1.6 for a Canon crop sensor = 17 seconds

500 ÷ 50mm ÷ 2 for a mirrorless sensor = 5 seconds


Please this step by step video:

How to create and add photos Albums in Amazon Photo

With Amazon Prime, you can have unlimited photo storage. This video show how to create a album and add photos into the album.

  1. Login your Amazon account and go to photo page or
    Amazon Photos

2. Click Albums on the left.

3. Click Create albums.

4. Type the Albums name, 2020 in our example, then Save

5. Click Add photos.

6. Select the photos you want to add. In our example, we sorted by date taken and high light all 2020 photos. Click Add to album.

7. It starts to adding photos to the album.

8. Now, you added all 2020 photos into the album.

Please view this step by step video:

Do we need to report 529 Plan Withdrawals on Tax Return?

  • Withdrawals from 529 plans are not taxed at the federal and state level as long as you follow all the rules for qualifying expenses. When the 529 plan funds are used to pay for qualified education expenses, you should receive Form 1099-Q and Form 1098-T which will list the amount of the 529 plan distribution and how much was used to pay for college tuition and fees. You’ll have to report these form to the IRS.

529 vs Coverdell ESA

Both 529 plans and Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) are college saving plans with tax benefits. They can be used to help pay for education costs. However, there are a few important distinctions such as contribution amounts, contribution restrictions, and investment options.

  • Contribution amounts. Unlike a 529 plan where a donor can contribute up to the gift tax exemption amount without having to file tax paperwork ($10,000 in 2021 for an individual and $20,000 for a married couple in Illinois), a Coverdell ESA limits the total amount contributed for any one beneficiary to $2,000 per year.
  • Contribution restrictions. With a 529 plan, there are no income level restrictions for contributions while a Coverdell ESA, if your adjusted gross income exceeds $110,000 for an individual, or $220,000 for a married couple filing a joint return, you’re not eligible to use a Coverdell at all.
  • Investment flexibility.  With a Coverdell ESA, you can pick specific investments you like while a 529 plan is limited to the investments that the state-sponsored plan offers.
  • Tuition vs Expenses.  A 529 plan, when used for elementary and secondary schools only, is limited to tuition, while a Coverdell ESA can pay for elementary or secondary school tuition and expenses as well.
  • Tax Benefits. Both 529 savings plans and Coverdell ESAs are after-tax­ accounts. However, for a 529 plan, many states do offer a current-year state tax deduction for contributions.

What’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the
low-interest loans U.S. Department of Education offers to eligible students for covering the cost of college or career school. FAFSA provides eligible students at participating schools Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans.

免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)是 美国教育部向符合条件的学生提供低息贷款,以支付大学或职业学校的费用。 FAFSA向在校的合格学生提供两种贷款,直接补贴贷款和直接无补贴贷款。

Direct Subsidized Loans are available to undergraduate students with financial need while Direct Unsubsidized Loans are available to undergraduate and graduate students; there is no requirement to demonstrate financial need. In general, Direct Subsidized Loans have slightly better terms to help out students with financial need because the U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on a Direct Subsidized Loan for the first six months after you leave school.

有经济需求的大学生 可申请直接资助的贷款,而 无需证明有财务需要 的大学生和研究生 可以申请直接无补贴贷款。 通常,直接补贴贷款的条件比

The interest rates for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2021 and before July 1, 2022 are shown in the chart below.

The US Government also offer Parent PLUS Loan which is a federal, non-need-based loan that is borrowed by a parent for a dependent student. Loan repayment begins 60 days following the full disbursement of the loan.

Undergraduate BorrowersGraduate or Professional Borrowers
Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized LoansDirect Unsubsidized Loans

This is an example of FAFSA loan.

Photoshop: Could not complete your request because there isn’t enough room to dock it on this monitor

Situation: When open an image, you may receive this error: Could not complete your request because there isn’t enough room to dock it on this monitor.

Troubleshooting: 1. Close all tools and then try it.

2. Close Photoshop and re-open it without image. Go to
Photoshop preferences, Reset Preference.

3. Add more RAM to the computer.

4. I get this error if the PS window is maximized. If I open anything with PS not maximized then it will open.

5. You have moved Options Bar to other location that is causing the same bug. Another example, if you have two monitor keep all things in the same monitor.
Photoshop CC prefers to be on my main screen
