How to sharp an image using High Pass Filter in Photoshop

There are many ways to sharp an image in Photoshop. High Pass filter is one of them. The different is the High Pass filter only sharpens edges, and anything that’s not an edge becomes flat grey . Therefore, we use it a lot in portrait.

  1. With the image open, duplicate the layer.

2. Open High Pass from Filter>Others.

3. Set the Radius between 1 to 2 pixel. in most cases, 4 and above is too much.

4. Select Overlay or Soft light in Blending mode.

5. If you want to have more sharp, duplicate other layer.

Please view the step by step video:

Blur portrait by using Photoshop Lens Focus with Alpha Channel

You may blur a background by selecting a background and Lens Blur filter. However, the best way to blur a background is using Alpha Channel plus Lens Blur Filter. Here is how.

  1. With the image open, create an Alpha Channel in Channel panel.

2. Still highlight Alpha 1. Click Radiant Tool to create Linear Gradient from the right to center.

3. Highlight all Channels except Alpha 1. Then go to Filter>Blur>Lens Blur. Select Alpha 1 channel. Check Inverse (because we blur starts at right eye). Adjust Radial, Blur Focus distance and more. Check and uncheck the Review to compare before and after.

4. Click OK to complete it.

Using Photoshop Surface Blur to soft skin

Surface Blur in Adobe Photoshop can denoise images, while preserving edges. We can use it to fix noisy photos or smooth out areas with a similar color.

This is before


With the image open, go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur. Adjust Radius and Threshold.

Please view the step by step video:


原色是指不能通过其他颜色的混合调配而得出的“基本色”。它们是RGB(红绿蓝)。RGB 色系也是我们常说的加色法,混合任两个原色,就会产生三个次原色:青、洋(品)红。RGB这三种颜色的组合,几乎形成了所有的颜色。将光的三原色加在一起就可以做出白光。所以,如果一个 RGB 的值为 255,255,255 则表示为白色。如果完全拿掉这三原色的光 (RGB: 0,0,0) 则产生黑色。

RGB 模式的相反模式就是 CMYK 模式也就是减色法,CMYK模式中所使用的三原色就是 RGB 模式中的次颜色。如果将红、绿、蓝光混合在一起形成白光,那么就表示将青、洋红、黄三色的颜料混合在一起就会产生黑色,因为三原色的光波都将被颜料所吸收了。

How to use Quick Action in Photoshop to Remove Background or Select Object

  1. Open the image.
Blonde girl with long and shiny wavy hair . Beautiful model with curly hairstyle .

2. Add a Mask. Make sure original image selected.

3. Click Properties and then Quick Action. Click on Remove Background. If you don’e see the Properties, go to Windows menu to check it.

4. It may take a few minutes to remove the Background.

5. Use Select and Marks to refine the edge. Move into yellow background to check the result.

How to use Match Color in Photoshop

This is the image before matching.

This is the source image will be matched from

To do that, open these two images in Photoshop. On the image you would like to match, go to Image>Adjustment>Match Color.

From Source, select the source image.

You can adjust Luminance, Color Intensity, and Fade. Clock OK to save.

Please view the step by step video:

How to adjust tonal range using Photoshop Levels

With the Photoshop Levels, I can adjust, correct the tonal range of an image. You will do it on the Levels histogram by adjusting intensity levels of image shadows, midtones, and highlights. There are 3 ways to do it.

  1. Adjust Input levels. Open Levels from Image>Adjustment>Levels.

Our example, from 0 (black) to 50 and 255 (white) to 220 are empty. Move the left slider from 0 to 50 and right slider from right to 220. That will increases the tonal range and also overall contrast of the image.

2. Use the point. Select White Point and then click on the white area.

Select Black Point and then click on the dark area.

3. Auto. Click on Auto.