Google Pixel 3 WiFi Limited connection in China

Situation: The user brings her Google Pixel 3 phone to China. When she tries to connect a wifi, it shows Limited connection. She has tried disabling/enabling WiFi, restart the phone, but none of them fixes the problem.

Troubleshooting: Search Google, we find some people have the same issue and they post: It is because Pixel/Android was trying to connect to a google server to determine the internet connectivity. Unfortunately, Google service I snot available there.

Troubleshooting Google phone problem.

Step 1: Get the latest version of Android OS

  1. Go to Settings > System > System updates.
  2. Select Download or Check for update.

Step 2: Remove covers

  1. Remove stickers, covers, cases, or anything covering your device.

Step 3: Turn on safe mode

To turn on safe mode, follow these steps.

Step 4: While in safe mode, turn off Bluetooth

  1. Go to Settings > Connected devices.
  2. Turn off Bluetooth.

Step 5: While in safe mode, make sure the volume is on

  1. Go to Settings > Sound.
  2. Turn on all 3 sounds settings and make sure to choose max volume.

Step 6: If your volume buttons aren’t working, turn off Switch Access

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Switch access.
  2. Turn off Switch access.

Step 7: Reset to factory settings – Set it up as a new user. After the reset, select “Don’t copy” to situate your device with no restored files before testing the phone. 

What’s Light Painting Photography and How to make it

Light Painting Photography is photographic techniques of moving a light source while taking a long exposure photograph to illuminate a subject. What you need are camera that can take a long exposure and a light source for example flash.

In a night without light or a dark room. The settings are taking a few seconds to 30 seconds exposure. Use the light source to
illuminate the subject. Low ISO and Aperture. Here are some examples.

  1. F32, ISO 100, 20 seconds.

2. F22, ISO 100, 30 Seconds.

Can’t start Lightroom

  1. After windows 10 update, the user can’t start the Lightroom. The Task manager shows No Responding. Uninstalling and re-installing Lightroom fixes it.
  2. It could be Visual Studio problem. Repair or re-install it.
  3. Restore Lightroom Preferences, which is located in C:\Users\blin\AppData\Local\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences.
  4. It could be the Plug-ins problem. In our case, it is Luminar 3 plug-ins. Reinstalling Luminar 3 fixes the problem.

Only one copy was printing while more than one copy required

Situation: The client has a problem to print multiple copies. When he tries, he get this message: Only one copy was printing while more than one copy required. RAM disk is full or not enabled. Or, SSD or SD Card is full.

Troubleshooting: If it is HP printer, try to disabling Mopier mode.

  1. Start > Devices and Printers
  2. Double-click printer
  3. Double-click “Customize your printer”
  4. Click “Device Settings” tab
  5. Scroll to bottom of page and change “Mopier Mode” to Disabled under the “Installable Options” group.

Can’t install Adobe Pro X because of permission

Situation: The client tries to install Adobe Pro X, but he can’t. It keeps popup saying he doesn’t have a permission or can’t access Adobe folder.

Troubleshooting: 1. Install the Adobe by checking Run as admin.

2.  Set the entire Adobe preferences folder with full permissions in

  • Mac OS: [drive]/Users/[user_name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe/
  • Windows: [drive]Users[user_name]AppDataRoamingAdobe

3. Remove all previous versions of Acrobat or Reader, and then reinstall.

4. Set full permissions on Adobe folder.

5. Login admin account and try it.

6. In our case, since we can’t delete the Adobe folder, we restart the computer, delete Adobe folder. then we can install it.